Wednesday 22 August 2012

11 Best Tips to Get Noticed at Workplace

Who does not want to be in the eyes of their boss. A good connection with your boss can impact your job satisfaction as well. You might be fretting because your potential and talent goes unnoticed at work.
Here are few tips for improving your relationship with your boss and to get you noticed at work.
1. Make sure you look forward to the requirements of your boss. Try to deliver something beyond his expectations instead of regular results. Try to meet his needs before hand.
2. Make sure you interact well with your boss. Just talk about the concerns and how you want to tackle them. Regular one on one conversation is very important. Don’t wait for your boss to call on you. One should not sound frightened and too casual at the same time.
3. Get in touch with your peers and colleagues in different fields. So that you get to know about the company well. That will help you in anticipating the needs of your seniors. If possible, meet them regularly for lunch and find solutions for managers.
4. Taking initiative will definitely get you noticed. You should be the first one to take responsibilities and volunteer for various tasks or giving new ideas.
5. Time management always comes first and is perhaps most important mantra to step up the ladder of success. Learn to prioritize your work and complete all the tasks and assignments given on time.
6. Never indulge in wrong things at work that will taint the reputation of your boss. You really don’t have to be clingy and butter him/her. Justgive him respect and be open to criticism at the same time.
7. Also, make sure you don’t end up tarnishing your own reputation by indulging in gossip and backbiting. If it reaches the boss you will never be in his/her good books. Instead be witty and smart and build a good network.
8. Participate in extracurricular activities. You have to be punctual and proactive. You can work extra time and stay a little late after the work. Your presence will be definitely noticed by your superiors.
9. Leadership qualities are the intangibles most of the professional look in their employees. With leadership skills only you will become visible at work.
10. Keep yourself updated of all the events happening in your company. Also, check the updates of other competitor organizations to impress your boss. This shows that you are aware and well equipped with all the details in advance.
11. Lastly groom yourself. Your body language should not be weak. During meetings and presentations modulate your voice and maintain an even pitch. Watch your words and your expressions.
Here are few smart moves and by inculcating few habits you will become popular at work and your dedication towards work will definitely get noticed by your boss and other superior management.

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